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- 18.04.2002

At the beginning of year 1925 the Dr Victor Manuel Perez Lerena, father of colombofilia Cuban, escribio ': "a group of enthusiastic fans to most interesting and noble of sports intensely toiled in legendary and cubanísima city of Camagüey, organizing a Society Pigeon. The idea is of a great importance and means a passage of advance in the construction of which in a day, perhaps not very distant, it is the great Federation Pigeon of Cuba.
The formation of new societies pigeons in different places from the island would be a decisive factor in the accomplishment of that beautiful idea, that today it seems a chimera. The camagüeyanos have given the march voice and with its example, worthy of imitation, the definitive advance can begin towards the accomplishment of the Cuban Federation Pigeon, by which there have been being lawyer for many years. Enthusiastic young people between whom they appear Alfredo Primelles Porro, Emilio Biosca Giround, Manuel Garci'a Bridge, Manuel Red Mendoza and so many others at the moment carry out an organizing work in Camagüey from which there is to arise to the life from the colectivities the Society Pigeon from Camagüey."
The effort and enthusiasm of the camagüeyanos fans the Sunday 10 was crowned with the attendance of a grown number of them the meeting conducted in the writing desk of the Dr Jose Julio Martinez Giralt of May of 1925, thus arising, the Society Pigeon of Camagüey (S.C.C.) and becoming second founded on all the country.
The first director was integrated of the following form: President Dr. Jose Julio Martinez Giralt, Vice-president Dr. Alfredo Sanchez Agramonte, Secretary Mr. Alfredo Primelles Porro, Vice-secretary Dr Emilio Biosca, Treasurer Mr. Manuel Garci'a Bridge, Vice-Tesorero Aryan Mr. Oscar and Vocal Mr. Ubaldo Viamontes, Francisco Ramos and Jose Carballo; to that founders were also united like associate Mr.: Eduardo Mola, Oscar the WHO, Ignacio Ortega, Francisco Head Garci'a, Julio Bango Giralt and the Dr Red Manuel And Mendoza among others.
At the end of December of 1925 the first releases of education take place corresponding to the first official season that had two routes of flight: Eastern and the western one, being celebrated the first Sunday of January of 1926 the first aid from the 120 Tunas to Kms de Camagüey. Aryan Mr. Oscar turned out to be the first champion who had the Society Pigeon of Camagüey and between their more outstanding doves were the 10-25 Paved with stones Female, who were the one that more point gave him for the championship, the 195-25 Spotted Male and the well-known one by "the pure Guantanamera" that was Durieux.
Between the races of carrier pigeons that populated the first pigeon houses of our city were the Janssens, Vassart, Grooters, Hanssenes and the known ones by Durieux that was integrated by some of the best ancestries of Belgian doves of the time and that later thanks to Mr. Jules Janssens, that was President of the Belgian Federation in those years, knew the Pedigríes these magnificent doves that arrived at hands of the first camagüeyanos colombófilos like flattery made by the colombófilos colleagues of the Society of Havana like the Dr Felix Suárez Garro, Mr. Constantino Salazar, Mr. Tomás Barzail, Mr. Gustavo Parajón, Mr. R. Goizueta, Ing. Oscar Contreras, Ing. Carlos Lopez Turfs, Mr. Emilio Tovar and the brothers Perez Lerena among others.
From these extraordinary doves the first "aces" arose that became famous as Spotted 175-25 of Ubaldo well-known Viamontes by "the Goad" and well-known like "the CoQuito" of Manuel Garci'a Bridge; but no was better neither obtained the more first prizes that the famous one Paved with stones Aliblanco ring 90-25 known by "the Peineta" property the Dr Manuel Red Mendoza, of whom his son, also the pigeon or retired Mr. Manuel Mendoza Reboredo conserves still his ring of nest and an authentic photography.
From the same foundation of the S.C.C always it was received the support and all the aid of t



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