This is one of the parasitisms most common in the carrier pigeons, but the pigeon does not pay the suitable attention to him that is deserved since they diminish enough the sport yield.
ACARIOSIS: They are the diseases caused by the ACARUSES, artrópodos of the class Arachnids (like the spiders).
ACARIOSIS OF THE PENS: Two families of acaruses are involved, the Sarcoptidae and the Trombodidae.
The Sarcoptidae lodges in different places from the body of the bird, between the beards of the pens and in raquis.
The Falculifer rostratus, is a parasite of small very frequent stature and, and presents/displays a very interesting particularitity: at the time of changing the parasite, the nymph normal(been intermediate of evolution to adult) gives birth to a particular nymph, the Hipodecte, this introduces itself in the subcutaneous weave until the favorable conditions for their development meet. During the station fry this nymph can lodge in the subcutaneous weave without the adult form is in the pens and, in addition, can migrate by general the conjuntivo weave arriving at different vísceras. The Falculifer causes important wearing downs in remiges, nibbles bárbulas and the attacked pen is resembled an dentated comb. This parasite is the person in charge of the perforations in parallel lines to raquis of the pen.
Within the Trombodidae family we have:
Siringophilus bipectinatus, that live within raquis on remiges, tectrices and rectrices. These parasites infect themselves by direct bonding with affected doves and subsist in the pens until the summer that begins the dumb one and soon penetrate through the open superior navels of the pens in growth. The pens lose their transparency, since they are in favor stuffed of the parasites. At first, the chest, zones deprived of pens are seen in or that has the broken tubes, with a length of 2 to 3 mm. This lacking zone of pens, during the flight, generates a turbulence, which affects the stability and consequent delays. Many colombófilos usually attribute that zone to him, to rubbing with comederos.
MALOFAGOS: The malófagos do not suck blood, but they are fed on the epidérmicos rest of the pens. They irritate the skin and cause prurito. The rest of the doves is insane and with it the loss of the form, in addition to the damages caused to the plumage.
Columbícola columbae: it measures near 2 mm and it is of extended form. This he is one of most common that they are seen in our doves.
DIPTEROS: They are the insects sucking horsebreakers and who have two pairs of wings.
Pseudolyncha canariensis (fly of the dove):
This measures of 5 to 6 mm, and the female puts its eggs in the dry dust of the pigeon house. Soon it undergoes transformations until it raises the doves. Pichones that strongly is parasitados, becomes thin and they are debilitated considerably, depends on the amount that they have can get to produce an ANEMIA.
In order to fight against these parasites it is necessary to also pulverize well the pigeon houses with suitable insecticides and the doves with appropriate medicines for such aim.
Dr JUAN LUIS HECK I castrate Mud 2008 HURLINGHAM Prov. Buenos Aires Argentina Telephone: 011-4665-6319 Cellular: 011-155-4180412 email: jlheck@yahoo.com