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- 01.04.2002

ANTECEDENTS: I do not know with exactitude the exact beginning of this modality pigeon, its beginning goes back at the end of the Sixties, in the U.S.A. of America, where due to the great distances between pigeon houses mainly in the States of Oklahoma and Kentakky, the colombófilos began to join their doves in a same pigeon house to run them and to this modality I am called ONE to him LOFT RACE, that it means race in a single pigeon house, this modality Prospero in all North America, and they began to mount circuits of bets and prizes on the results of several colombodromos. Like the World-wide Ranking that organizes the F.C.I. that is not but that the accumulation of points of several colombodromos in two years. The first circuit was: China Beijing, Taiwan and Sud Africa, that I had the honor to win personally and now the second circuit is disputed: Thaylandia -- Argentina -- Hungary -- Spain (IBIZA).
Each ONE LOFT RACE, tapeworm its prizes in metalist, his bets and like not a BARBECUE, where they went it in great while they waited for the doves. Today in the U.S.A. one denominates races to them of criadores of doves, and they are practically organized in all the States of the Nation.
To principle of the seventy Japanese, they organized spectacular a Colombódromos, esponsorizados and relayed by the Television that was a great successful and continues until the present. I have been visiting for four years one new thirty kilometers of TOKYO with a capacity of 4000 doves. In the middle of a seventy in Spain (IBIZA) enthusiastic pigeon Mr. Gasparo, he organized call "DERBY mainly Dog Gasparo", that to the Spanish was great successful, by the paellas which the participants ate and the good that passed it. And at the beginning of the eighty, the Gasparo friend towards greater and I stop myself in its organization, not being at that moment a worthy successor. Also in those times the Thaylandeses installed a spectacular pigeon house in the terrace of a Hotel of Luxury, with capacity for 3000 doves, and the advantage that in the same building had the rooms, thaylandeses food, spectacles, massages and everything what you could desire. Today continuous, I was by the end of last November and organized three races in three days. Grand Prix F.C.I. 500 km, doves of 5 months, another one of 600 km doves of nine months and another one of 700 km with doves of a year, were a complete success and the very succulent prizes. In Spain I had the honor to inaugurate the FIRST CHAMPIONSHIP Of the WORLD OF COLOMBODROMO F.C.I., with release from Tam-tam, African coast and agreeing with the Olympic Games of Palms 1993. The winner was a dove of the U.S.A. of America and in the later auction she was acquired by the great pigeon and Belgian friend Andre Lietaer by the sum of 3,000,000. - of pesetas at that time about 30,000, - American Dollars. To start off already of end of the 80 and until today colombodromos they have proliferated like mushrooms, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina have several, emphasizing the celebrated Championships of the World in Mexico and Argentina that were two unforgettable events for everybody Hispanic loudspeaker. Canada and the U.S.A. even lead their number and in Asia: Japan, Thaylandia, Saudi, Chinese Arabia Continental, Taiwan and Philipinas organize every year with but success and but prizes. In some countries since Chinese there are many very great and organized well.
In Europe several consolidated exist, in Spain we have: Inca in Majorca, Ibiza, Vinaroz, Valladolid, Santander, Barcelona, the Palms, Lanzarote, these eight form a good lot in our country and move around 6000 enrolled doves what gives an idea of the implantation of this systems in Spain. In Portugal (SIGHT) one of but the great ones of Europe, the Championship of World 1997 was organized there and every year they gamble: The Championship of Europe de Jo'venes, Adults and the one of the AILAC, American Latin Ibero Association of Colombofilia and other but of loc



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