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- 22.04.2002

Attack of Hongos and Antimicóticos (products against fungi)
1. The causal agent
An attack of fungi diagnoses very rare time in carrier pigeons. Without being a contradiction, the fact that the moulds play an important role like reducers of the yield in the pigeon.
Rare time an attack of fungi is diagnosed, since they single under certain conditions of handling, that each sensible pigeon tries to avoid, produce a clinical disease.
Under the hygienic conditions of the modern pigeon houses, they affect the fungi the body of the dove, only rare time and they do not produce visible diseases, simply cause a reduction of the yield.
There is a series of possible classifications for the fungi. As the most adapted one has settled down the leavening division and moulds.
The leavenings, first of all species of Candida (Candida albicans), have their associated attacks to antibiotic treatments, in the area of the tip, the throat, in the crop and under certain circumstances, in the intestine of the dove.
The moulds, first of all Aspergillus fumigatus, affect the respiratory routes, specially the respiratory coats of the dove.
In difficult cases, they can also be attacked, the lungs and the brain.
Dermatophyten is another group of fungi, attacks the skin of the dove and causes among others, feared and hardly the treatable infection of the skin, underneath the wings. Like reducers of the yield in colombofilia, the Dermatophyten is not important. A contact of the dove with fungi cannot be discarded. Of one more a simpler form: the fungi and the beneficial bacteria, live on the mucous of the doves in balance. While sufficient beneficial bacteria occupy the mucous, the fungi do not have opportunity to be multiplied in a form that harm the dove.
After a treatment with antibiotics, east balance is damaged, because the antibiotic acts indiscriminately on the bacteria and also dies a part of the bacteria nonpatogénicas and indispensable for the life of the dove. But the fungi are not affected by the antibiotic and undergo therefore a strong and favorable selection.
2. Products against fungi
As much in the human medicine as in the veterinary medicine, there is a great amount of products against fungi, the antimicóticos calls (the attack of fungi is called micosis).
But for the use in the bird medicine, some products are appropriate single:
Nystatina (Candio Hermal ®), Miconazol (Daktar®), Ketoconazol (Nizoral ®), Fluconazol (Didlucan®), Enilconazol (Imaverol®), Natamycin (Pimabiciron ® N), single to name some, that can be used in the doves.
But they are used in colombofilia really single three: Ketoconazol (Nizoral ®), Enilconazol (Imaverol®) and Nystatina (Cardio Hermal®).
An attack of fungi persists generally, during all the life. As the danger of I infect is great, one is due to examine if the widowers are affected by fungi: in colombofilia frequently antibiotics are used (must use) and an attack of fungi generally, leads to a reduction in the yields without disease symptoms.
The examination consists of a x-ray of the lungs and the aerial coats, as well as of a verification of the causal agent, in culture means.
The x-ray must (and it has) be only made with an apparatus of high quality and when it is possible, single on lamina or special leaf for birds. If a standard "taking becomes", a slight attack is not seen: which reaches after a diminution of the yields.
For the verification in culture means, one is a selective multiplication on special nutritious means. The used material as it shows, is taken with narcosis (anesthesia) and endoscopio, from the respiratory routes or a section, directly of the aerial coats.
For the treatment of a micosis, they must strictly follow the recommendations of the veterinary doctors. In this case the treatment can be made without problem, during the season of flights and without having fear to have negative consequences in the yield.
With a strong attack of fungi, the flights are due to interrupt



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