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- 26.03.2002

The probioticos have a beneficial effect in maintaining the balance optimal of the intestinal microflora, which is associated with the good health.

The characteristic of the producing bacteria of acido lactico, is to obtain reduccion of the gatrointestinal PH creating favorable means for the development of the beneficas bacteria and avoiding the patogenas multiplication of enterobacterias.

The roll of this microflora is to collaborate in the digestion of foods and to improve the absorption of the nutrients.

As the doves are put under continuous conditions of STRESS, such com repeated overpopulation, encanastamientos, transport and aids. Ademas of processings with antibioticos or medicines that can alter the intestinal flora, takes place a imbalance, where the patogenas bacteria can predominate.

Made studies indicate that the lactobacilos are the bacteria but affected by the STRESS, giving like result one reduccion of the population of lactobacilos, losing themselves the suitable PH, which produces diarrea increasing the proliferation of patogenas bacteria and altering the normal availability of proteinas.

Between the beneficos effects of the lactobacilos this the production of antibioticos as they are the LACTOLINA and ACIDOLINA that have properties inhibitorias for the intestinal patogenos.

This verified that the ACIDOLINA but ACIDO LACTICO has microbicida action against enterobacterias such as and COLI-SALMONELLA TYPHIMURIUM-ESTAFILOCOCUS-AUREOS-CLOSTRIDIUM.

Another important mechanism is the " competitive exclusion against enterobacterias, exhausting the nutrients that can use these.

Also they stimulate the inmunologico system.

Also improves the enzimatico activity because these are but effective in the middle acido.

These benefits become but important in pichones in desarrollo or immature since these produce little amount of enzimas.Tambien stimulate the appetite, which actua like coadyudante in the convalecencia of diseases.

The lactobacilos colonize principalmenmte the crop and in celulas epithelial of intestino.Para to maintain this colonization or adhesion in those digestive organos they must be administered in regular form.

My experience in probioticos in doves is of 25 years and are utilizadfos in the following cases:

1, Despues of the use of antibioticos or medicines that can alter the intestinal flora, its administration is during 3 to 5 days despues of tratamientop.

2, In combinacion with electroliticos for the recovery of the doves despues of the aids, administrandolos of 2 to 3 days, segun the exigency of the race, this allows to a fast recovery and hidratacion of the same ones.

3, During the raising to improve the digestion and the absorption of the nutrients.

In these ultimos years we are using them combined with electroliticos the day of you arrest tamiento, to avoid reduccion of lactobacilos that take place by the STRESS of the same one.

Our experience with probioticos is with " LACTOBACILUS ACIDOPHILUS and ESTREPTOCOCCUS FAECIUM, microcapsulados and protected with betyaglucano to avoid that they are destroyed when being in contact with the digestive juice.

Possible combinations can be associated:

A) With stimulating of the defenses

B) Hepatoproctetores

C) Vitaminicos Complex


Dr Guillermo Panitieri




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