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At the present time it is concentrated in five final projects.

  1. Creation of a Spanish School of Colombofília that includes to all the scope Ibero-Latin-American.

  2. The construction of a new seat for the Real Federation Spanish Pigeon.

  3. Incorporation of the F.C.I. in the association of Sport International Federations with seat in Montecar it.

  4. To be able to prevail with its doves in Belgium, specially in the aid of Barcelona.

  5. Its finishing touch, the one that the Olympic Committee the International declares to colombofilia, as Olympic Sport.

This small biography we have done it with much affection, thinking that we have summarized part of the experiences that during so many years we have lived together and we hoped to be able to enjoy much more them.

And we do not want to finish without mentioning to Rosalía its woman, who already to the 15 years was neighboring fianc2es and and knows very well what is the Colombofilia. It has always accompanied to him, supported and stimulated in all the challenges that Carlos has confronted. Inseparable companion in all its trips and Ambassador of the Colombofilia.





© Carlos Márquez Prats 2002 - colombofilo@carlosmarquezprats.com